Parking Hôpital St Louis - Niveau

At Saemes, we have more than 2 million customers who park every year at our public and residential car parks and on-street parking places.

Created in 1979, Saemes (an acronym for Société Anonyme d’Économie Mixte d’Exploitation du Stationnement de la Ville de Paris) has been in the parking business for more than 40 years. 


Our business is threefold :


1. Operation of leased car parks (public and residential)

• Management of long-term and hourly customers

• Maintenance, surveillance and cleaning

• Offering innovative services related to parking and multi-modal transport


2. The design, construction and modernisation of car parks

3. Consulting 

• Studies on parking and operational feasibility

• Project management assistance and execution services

• Project optimisation (renovation, refurbishment, improved occupation rates) 


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